Mimi Nicklin: Softening the Edges

Right now, our interactions feel prickly and pointed so maybe it’s time to come back to our human roots and embrace humanity’s oldest leadership trait: empathy. That’s what today’s guest, Mimi Nicklin, has devoted her work to advocating. Mimi and I discuss what softening the edges means in practice and how empathetic leaders show up. We also talk about finding empathy across generations in the workplace, about balancing humanism with capitalism, and also how her diverse cultural experience has helped her find commonalities rather than differences across cultures.

Key Takeaways:

  • All creativity comes from a tension point – and you have to be able to express that. Empathy leads to a decrease in self-censorship and an increase in creativity and innovation.
  • It’s not just about the feelings. It’s about the way we think and the way we get things done.
  • To empathize is not to agree, to empathize is to understand. 
  • If there has ever been a time to voice change, it is now.

“Curiosity is the foundation of all humanity.” —  Mimi Nicklin

About Mimi Nicklin:

Mimi Nicklin, Bestselling Author and Empathetic Leadership Coach

Mimi Nicklin is the internationally bestselling author of ‘Softening The Edge’ and the host of the ‘Empathy for Breakfast’ breakfast show & podcast. She is an experienced marketer and communications strategist, a well-known empathetic coach, and a contributor, advocate and content creator for the global movement to balance humanism and capitalism.

An empathy advocate, Mimi has spent over fifteen years working across the globe with multinational and Fortune 500 clients to drive stand out creative interventions that lead to business and culture change. Driven by the pursuit of bringing conscientiousness to the role and impact of ‘Regenerative Leadership’ in business and society, with a desire to make the world of work a more empathetic, valuable and sustainably healthy place to be, Mimi’s first leadership book was a bestseller before it even reached the stores. 

Having lived and worked in London, Hong Kong, Singapore, Cape Town, Havana, Madrid, Johannesburg and Dubai, Mimi has studied humanity & culture from within across 25 global markets and her approach changes organisations from the inside out; focusing on cultural understanding alongside behavioural and mindset change. 

Connect with Mimi:  

Website: miminicklin.com  

Instagram: instagram.com/miminicklin

Twitter: twitter.com/MimiNicklin

Tiktok: tiktok.com/@miminicklin

Podcast: empathyforbreakfast.com

Book: Softening The Edgeamazon.com/Softening-Edge-humanitys-leadership-changing-ebook/dp/B08GQ4Y9GK

Don’t forget to download your free guide! Discover The 5 Business Benefits of Empathy: http://red-slice.com/business-benefits-empathy

Connect with Maria: 

Get the podcast and book: TheEmpathyEdge.com

Learn more about Maria’s brand strategy work and books: Red-Slice.com

Hire Maria to speak at your next event: Red-Slice.com/Speaker-Maria-Ross

LinkedIn: Maria Ross

Instagram: @redslicemaria

Twitter: @redslice

Facebook: Red Slice

Val Ries: How to Be the Leader Everyone Wants to Work For

What makes a great leader? The leader everyone is dying to work with, the leader whose team is so engaged, motivated, and high-performing that others in the company wonder how the heck they make it happen? My guest, Val Ries, believes everyone can be that kind of leader – a leader who serves as Chief Inspiration Officer, no matter how big or small their team. In today’s episode, we discuss what exactly a Chief Inspiration Officer is and how to get there, and we talk about how to create microcultures for success. Val reveals a magic phrase for flipping your definition of leadership so you can be super successful, and offers 4 pillars to becoming a leader everyone wants to work with – and shows you exactly where to start. 

Key Takeaways:

  • Accountability is the key to the success of any team or organization. 
  • Employees CRAVE: Connection, Reliability, Appreciation, feeling Valued, and Effective communication.
  • Embrace your humanity as you rise through the ranks. Be willing to admit you don’t have all the answers and that you aren’t the only one who can do something “right.”

“We’re lifelong learners. I don’t think we’re ever going to perfect anything – there’s always room to see it in a different way or hear a different perspective.” —  Val Ries

About Val Ries:

Val Ries, Leadership Expert and  Author of Chief Inspiration Officer

Val has over twenty year’s experience transforming teams, and understands exactly the hardships many leaders face. She is the author of Chief Inspiration Officer: How to Lead the team Everyone Wants to Be On. Thrust into a leadership role with no training or support, Val had to figure out on her own how to create top performing teams.Now, together with her team, they teach unique leadership methods that are proven to turn around departments, retain top talent and increase revenue. Fortune 500 companies have partnered with her company, Executive Muse to transform their culture and increase employee engagement.

Connect with Val:  

Website: executive-muse.com

LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/valries

Facebook: facebook.com/executivemuse

Instagram: instagram.com/executivemuse

Don’t forget to download your free guide! Discover The 5 Business Benefits of Empathy: http://red-slice.com/business-benefits-empathy

Connect with Maria: 

Get the podcast and book: TheEmpathyEdge.com

Learn more about Maria’s brand strategy work and books: Red-Slice.com

Hire Maria to speak at your next event: Red-Slice.com/Speaker-Maria-Ross

LinkedIn: Maria Ross

Instagram: @redslicemaria

Twitter: @redslice

Facebook: Red Slice

Michelle Arpin Begina: Empathy and the Bottom Line

Nearly every high performer has something that keeps them from fully stepping into their confidence of ownership around their finances. But did you know the key to not only being successful with money yourself, but understanding your spouse, colleagues, or employees is empathy? Today, I get to speak with Michelle Arpin Begina, a financial advisor who believes we all need to examine the money stories, scripts, and lessons that affect our financial psychology so that we can rethink what we know about money to have more of it. We talk about how your childhood impacts your money story and beliefs long into adulthood, how financial advisors are evolving to better partner with clients by understanding the emotions they have behind their money, and how you can better understand your money story (as well as that of your spouse, colleagues, or partners) and how it’s impacting your bottom line at work and at home.

Key Takeaways:

  • We need to be more focused on the money psychology than we are about the money math.  Some progressive school districts are adding this to the curriculum.
  • We get messages communicated to us, covertly and overtly, by our parents about money. Those become our money scripts, which are our subconscious beliefs about money.
  •  If money were a math equation, we’d be ruthless in cutting our expenses and we would be as aggressive as we possibly can be with our money. Almost no one can live that way.
  • We listen each other off the ledge. It pays to get insanely curious about who you are talking to and be comfortable in the silent moments. 

“We find that when delivering numerical or financial information to prove our case and that person is not able to get their mind around it to take action, that tells you right there, there’s something emotional going on.” —  Michelle Arpin Begina

About Michelle Arpin Begina:

Michelle Arpin Begina, CFP, CIMA

Financial Advisor and Founder, MichelleAB.com

Michelle Arpin Begina is an advisor, author and speaker who has used the money lessons from her life to rethink how financial advisors and their clients have traditionally worked together. Rather than thinking of her role as a gatekeeper of portfolios, she sees real value in being a gateway to personal financial freedom. 

To support her clients on their unique wealth journeys, Michelle is a technician of financial planning, investment, and wealth management. But what differentiates Michelle from other financial advisors is that she has spent the last two-plus decades studying the unconventional, non-financial aspects of life satisfaction, financial therapy (it’s a thing), behavioral bias, choice, and decision advising.

She believes we all need to examine the money stories, scripts, and lessons that affect our financial psychology so that we can rethink what we know about money to have more of it.

Michelle lives in Wyckoff, NJ with her husband, Mike and sons, Alex and Nick. She is an avid photographer – her sons are her favorite subject!

Connect with Michelle:  

Website (and download her Good with Money Success Formula Guide): MichelleAB.com

Instagram: instagram.com/michellearpinbegina

LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/michellearpinbeginacfp

Don’t forget to download your free guide! Discover The 5 Business Benefits of Empathy: http://red-slice.com/business-benefits-empathy

Connect with Maria: 

Get the podcast and book: TheEmpathyEdge.com

Learn more about Maria’s brand strategy work and books: Red-Slice.com

Hire Maria to speak at your next event: Red-Slice.com/Speaker-Maria-Ross

LinkedIn: Maria Ross

Instagram: @redslicemaria

Twitter: @redslice

Facebook: Red Slice

John Lee Dumas: The Common Path to Uncommon Success

Success is not easy; it’s hard work. That might seem obvious, but many experts have made a fortune selling “secrets” to hungry entrepreneurs to make them think the road will be easy. While super rewarding, entrepreneurship is definitely not easy. No one knows this better than my guest, John Lee Dumas. Today, John and I talk about his first traditionally published book, The Common Path to Uncommon Success, about the REAL reason why entrepreneurs fail at a high percentage and how people have been lied to by online business “experts.”  John shares lessons from over 3000 interviews with successful entrepreneurs, and lets you in on a great practice that enabled him to build his business, determine new products, and keep him in lock step with his fan base through empathy and compassion to provide real value. 

Key Takeaways:

  • People don’t want weak, pale imitations of something else. They want your big idea that is authentic and true to the core of you. 
  • You choose your own “hard”. Which path are you more willing to put the hard work into?
  • When it comes to being empathetic to your audience, you need to do things that do not scale. 

“The world needs more people living in their zone of fire, bringing their best to the forefront, living in their best universe, and creating their best greatness.” —  John Lee Dumas

About John Lee Dumas:

John Lee Dumas, Founder and host, Entrepreneurs on Fire

John Lee Dumas is the founder and host of the award winning podcast, Entrepreneurs On Fire. With over 100 million listens of his 3000+ episodes, JLD has turned Entrepreneurs On Fire into a media empire that generates over a million listens every month and 7-figures of NET annual revenue 8-years in a row. His first traditionally published book, The Common Path to Uncommon Success is available for pre-order now with 5 amazing bonuses at UncommonSuccessBook.com

Connect with John

Book: uncommonsuccessbook.com

Website: eofire.com

Podcast: eofire.com/podcast

Twitter: twitter.com/johnleedumas

Instagram: instagram.com/johnleedumas

Don’t forget to download your free guide! Discover The 5 Business Benefits of Empathy: http://red-slice.com/business-benefits-empathy

Connect with Maria: 

Get the podcast and book: TheEmpathyEdge.com

Learn more about Maria’s brand strategy work and books: Red-Slice.com

Hire Maria to speak at your next event: Red-Slice.com/Speaker-Maria-Ross

LinkedIn: Maria Ross

Instagram: @redslicemaria

Twitter: @redslice

Facebook: Red Slice


Brent Lowe and Susan Basterfield: How Innovative Organizations Lead and Scale – No Managers Required

Innovation is such a buzzword in many companies and organizations, but how often do we think about innovating our organizations and the way they run? What if your organization had no managers? What if everyone was committed to a mission, stepped up to lead, and collaborated effectively, with honesty, to get things done and move forward? It’s not a pipe dream. It’s possible and many organizations are making it happen with great results today. In my conversation today with Brent Lowe and Susan Basterfield, two of the authors of Lead Together, we answer these questions and look at new, innovative ways of running these organizations. We’ll talk about what it means to be a Lead Together organization, dispel myths about what it means to remove job titles and managers, and what are the most critical skills required by everyone involved to truly make this work.

Key Takeaways:

  • Anytime you throw people into an equation, things become unpredictable. We need to be present and aware of that in a way that allows everybody to bring all of who they are to the problem. That is a way to start leading together.
  • It is more about roles than about job descriptions. Job descriptions are a static document, roles are dynamic and can change as people can have multiple roles at the same time.
  • To make a Lead Together organization work, everyone on the team must make the commitment – together.

“There needs to be a willingness to do the work, and to see the workplace as somewhere where we go, not just to do the task that’s in front of us, but also to develop our own skills.” — Brent Lowe

About Brent Lowe and Susan Basterfield, co-authors of Leading Together:

Brent Lowe is a performance coach helping leaders show up as their best selves within thriving, purpose-driven teams. As the Scale Coach for Founder CEOs, Brent works with entrepreneurs and leaders who are growing the size and impact of their businesses to tackle local and global challenges. Many of his clients are motivated by the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, and a desire to lead in ways that feel authentic, inspiring and personally fulfilling. He and his clients share a belief that leadership goes far beyond delivering financial returns, with ecosystem stewardship being a core responsibility.

Susan Basterfield is a catalyst and convener who believes that awareness and discernment can unblock drains and move mountains. From 35-plus years in business—spanning global multinationals, startups and schools—arose experiences that drive her work as a systems transformation partner. Her work includes standing shoulder to shoulder with leaders and organizations on their transformational journeys, often over many years, and convening virtual development programs, including the Practical Self-Management Intensive. She is an educator, coach, facilitator, writer, and collective entrepreneur. Obsessed with building the capacity to build capacity, Susan seeks out that which is life-giving, dances with complexity, and weeds-out constraints to potential. She practices with Greaterthan and Enspiral. Learn more about Susan’s work at greaterthan.works and enspiral.com.

Lead Together: The Bold, Brave, Intentional Path to Scaling Your Business By Brent Lowe, Susan Basterfield, and Travis Marsh

Get the book: leadtogether.co

Connect with Brent:

Website: brentlowe.com

Twitter: twitter.com/BrentLoweTweets

LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/brentloweconnects

Don’t forget to download your free guide! Discover The 5 Business Benefits of Empathy: http://red-slice.com/business-benefits-empathy

Connect with Maria: 

Get the podcast and book: TheEmpathyEdge.com

Learn more about Maria’s brand strategy work and books: Red-Slice.com

Hire Maria to speak at your next event: Red-Slice.com/Speaker-Maria-Ross

LinkedIn: Maria Ross

Instagram: @redslicemaria

Twitter: @redslice

Facebook: Red Slice

Sheila Murphy: 5 Pillars of a More Diverse Environment

Many of us would agree that a more diverse organization creates a more thriving organization. And research has proven that more diverse leadership teams and employee groups are more innovative and creative, perform better and also make better decisions. The questions become, how do you create a more diverse team? How do you catapult diversity within your own organization? In our conversation today with Sheila Murphy, we will answer these questions and talk about Sheila’s 5 Pillars of a More Diverse Environment. We also discuss the structural and emotional intelligence barriers to achieving a more diverse, thriving organization, as well as the benefits that companies can reap when they have more diverse leadership.  

Key Takeaways:

  • Businesses that have diverse teams outperform and are more creative than homogeneous teams.
  • When people are not progressing the same, it is often because they aren’t getting the same information or types of assignments. 
  • Having a sponsor can make a tremendous difference in an individual’s career.

“You can’t be a good manager or leader unless you understand that people are different and they need different things.” —  Sheila Murphy

About Sheila Murphy:

Sheila Murphy

CEO and President, Focus Forward Consulting

After 20 years of successfully litigating and developing and coaching talent in corporate America and law firms, Sheila is pursuing her passion for helping others reach their full potential. Leading with passion and purpose, Sheila is CEO and President of Focus Forward Consulting LLC and Chief Learning & Talent Officer of WOMN LLC, which are focused on having lawyers, leaders and legal organizations achieve their career and business goals. Sheila also continues to support the financial industry in her role as an expert and consultant at Bates Group.

In 2018, Sheila retired as Senior Vice President and Associate General Counsel at MetLife where she provided litigation, regulatory, and risk mitigation advice. As a well-respected thought leader, Sheila served as an executive sponsor to MetLife’s U.S. Women’s Business Network, co-chaired the Legal Affair’s Academy providing developmental opportunities to legal and compliance professionals worldwide, and served as a member of its U.S. Task Force on diversity. Prior to joining MetLife, Sheila was at the law firm of Thacher Proffitt & Wood.

Sheila is a member of the Board of Directors of National Association of Women Lawyers (NAWL). Sheila serves on the advisory board of Transforming Women’s Leadership in Law and co-chairs the CARE’s Women’s Network of New York, which works on eradicating poverty through empowering women and girls. Previously, she was a member of the Board for Read Alliance and PowerPlay, NYC. Sheila received from Corporate Counsel and Inhouse Counsel the Women, Influence, Power in Law, Lifetime Achievement Award for her commitment to advancing and empowering women in the legal profession. Women’s Venture Fund awarded Sheila the highest Leaf Award in recognition of her commitment to helping others advance in their careers. She was named a Most Influential Irish Woman by the Irish Voice, a Leading Women Lawyer in NYC by Crain’s New York, a Business 100 honoree by Irish America, and one of 250 Inspiring Women Entrepreneurs by Databird Journal. Sheila also has received the Benchmark Litigation In-house Award at the Americas Women in Business Awards, the Virginia S. Mueller Outstanding Member Award from NAWL, and a First Chair award for hard work, innovation, and significant contributions to the legal community.

Sheila is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania Law School, where she served on the Comparative Labor Law Journal and the School of Management at the State University of New York at Binghamton where she graduated magna cum laude. Sheila earned her Associate Certified Coach and Certified Professional Co-Active Coach from the International Coaching Federation and the Co-Active Leadership Institute, respectively. Sheila is a frequent speaker on litigation and regulatory issues, talent, and business development, leadership, and diversity.

Connect with Sheila:  

Website: focus-forward-consulting.com

Twitter: twitter.com/SheilaMurphy_

LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/sheilamurphy333/

Facebook: facebook.com/sheila.murphy.524

Don’t forget to download your free guide! Discover The 5 Business Benefits of Empathy: http://red-slice.com/business-benefits-empathy

Connect with Maria: 

Get the podcast and book: TheEmpathyEdge.com

Learn more about Maria’s brand strategy work and books: Red-Slice.com

Hire Maria to speak at your next event: Red-Slice.com/Speaker-Maria-Ross

LinkedIn: Maria Ross

Instagram: @redslicemaria

Twitter: @redslice

Facebook: Red Slice

Holly Ruxin: Evolving the Finance Industry to Move Money with Empathy

When we think of empathy, we don’t often think of the finance industry. In fact, anything to do with money seems to be the antithesis to an empathetic way of doing business. My next guest is leading a revolution to change that and tells us how money was, actually, created to be empathetic. We’re talking today with Holly Ruxin who shares her very personal experience with seeing the impact on customers when an entire industry is not built for empathy, even when the people involved are very kind and compassionate. She gets real about why we don’t associate the money management industry with empathy – but offers hope that it is changing and that we can evolve finance to that next level that humanity needs again in order to thrive. 

Key Takeaways:

  • Money was created to be empathetic. It is a win-win not a win-lose when done right.
  • Money is just an exchange of value. The story we put on it is a feature of our culture. 
  • Understanding what is really happening in any situation is where the empathy comes from.

“We’re seeing big shifts in our financial system and people are really starting to understand that being empathetic feels good. It is how we co-create a better world.” —  Holly Ruxin

About Holly Ruxin:

Holly Ruxin, CEO and Founder, Montcalm

Holly Ruxin is committed to transforming people’s lives by healing their relationship with money. Holly has decades of experience with Wall Street firms such as Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, and Bank of America, where she gained a thorough understanding of how capital can be managed to help people and the planet, and also where our financial system needs reworking. She founded Montcalm in 2012 to empower people to manage their assets intelligently, with full personal integrity, and from a perspective of abundance. Holly is also the founder of Trevor TCR, a foundation that awards philanthropic grants to support health, education, enterprise, and the arts, all necessary cornerstones of healthy, successful communities. She has an MBA in Finance from Columbia University and a BA in Economics from the University of Michigan.

Connect with Holly and Montcalm

Website: montcalmtcr.com

LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/hollyziegelruxin

Don’t forget to download your free guide! Discover The 5 Business Benefits of Empathy: http://red-slice.com/business-benefits-empathy

Connect with Maria: 

Get the podcast and book: TheEmpathyEdge.com

Learn more about Maria’s brand strategy work and books: Red-Slice.com

Hire Maria to speak at your next event: Red-Slice.com/Speaker-Maria-Ross

LinkedIn: Maria Ross

Instagram: @redslicemaria

Twitter: @redsliceFacebook: Red Slice

Amy J. Wilson: Leadership’s Larger Duty and Avoiding Empathy Deficit Disorder

How do we even start creating a more empathetic society? Even more specifically, what is our own personal role and responsibility in enriching the world? 

These are just two of the questions that I talk about with my guest, community builder, innovation expert and author Amy Wilson on today’s episode. Creating a more empathetic society starts with all of us taking action, but it also requires leaders who understand and value this duty as well. If we want systems or organizations to change, we need to get innovative about new solutions and new definitions of power – but it also requires a pledge for all of us, as leaders, to act with integrity, equity, and honesty. Stay tuned for a great conversation with actionable items that we all can do today. 

Key Takeaways:

  • There are four things that need to be brought together with empathy: dignity, curiosity, equity, and humility. 
  • When it comes to awareness, there is no silver bullet solution, but rather a million approaches that can be taken. 
  • Globalization is realizing that we have shared power. Power is a currency that you can give to people at different times. 

“We’re at a crossroads right now. We either go down the path of narcissism, of power over people, or the path of empathy and giving up power and giving agency to the people to change the world around them. We have to make this decision soon.” —  Amy J. Wilson

About Amy J. Wilson: 

Amy J. Wilson is a community builder, movement maker, and an empathy advocate. 

Her journey to sparking change started in AmeriCorps, leading a project to rebuild 50 homes in four months in the Gulf Coast after Hurricane Katrina. She was a chief architect of Booz Allen Hamilton’s Building a Culture of Innovation movement, which transformed the 100-year old firm. Amy later served for three years as a White House Presidential Innovation Fellow, where she created a shared language and led a movement for innovation and change in government. In her debut book, Empathy for Change: How to Create a More Understanding World, she hopes to inspire others to embrace kindness to enrich the world. In her free time, she enjoys

baking pies, traveling internationally, and telling stories.

We talked about how her past experience as a public entrepreneur framed her thinking on empathy, why the AmeriCorps pledge is so important for today’s leaders, and Empathy Deficit Disorder, which may be why it’s so hard for us to speak truth to power.

Connect with Amy:  

Website: www.amyjwilson.com

LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/amyjwilson

Twitter: twitter.com/RealAmyJWilson

Instagram: instagram.com/realamyjwilson

Don’t forget to download your free guide! Discover The 5 Business Benefits of Empathy: http://red-slice.com/business-benefits-empathy

Connect with Maria: 

Get the podcast and book: TheEmpathyEdge.com

Learn more about Maria’s brand strategy work and books: Red-Slice.com

Hire Maria to speak at your next event: Red-Slice.com/Speaker-Maria-Ross

LinkedIn: Maria Ross

Instagram: @redslicemaria

Twitter: @redslice

Facebook: Red Slice

M.E. Hart: How to Have Honest Conversations at Work

In today’s episode, I get to welcome back attorney, DE&I strategist and executive leadership coach M.E. Hart for an important conversation about how to have honest conversations in our personal and professional lives. We are living in a time of difficult, long overdue conversations around racism, social justice, gender equality, and so much more that have a real impact in the workplace and in our daily life. Today we crack open what makes this hard and how to broach these conversations in an empathetic, healthy way that respects the lived experiences of all involved.

Key Takeaways:

  • Hard conversations make us all uncomfortable. We need to learn to be comfortable in that discomfort.
  • Having honest, open conversations at work can be difficult and may need to be approached differently depending on your work culture and commitment as a leader.
  • From an empathy standpoint, it is really important for us to recognize that people are taking their own journeys in their own way.

“When you open the door to honest conversation, you will find that people are often hungry to talk about things, as long as they know they can do it confidentially and that you have a level of respect and can accept their answer without judgment.” —  M.E. Hart

About M.E. Hart:

M.E. Hart, JD – Attorney, DE&I Strategist, Master Facilitator, and Executive Leadership Coach.

M.E. Hart (who goes by Hart), JD brings a unique blend of training experiences – and expertise as an attorney, professional actor, and certified executive coach – to the design and delivery of highly effective learning solutions in the corporate, government and not-for-profit sectors. Hart balances “life experience” with cutting edge research to teach critical communications, management and leadership skills that are unmatched in the adult-learning field.

His career has taken him into Fortune 500 companies across the US, and to interesting parts of the world. Hart has helped bridge cultural differences in Moscow and Ukraine; worked with global industry leaders in Belgium; conducted “emergency interventions” for organizations in crisis; produced interactive satellite and videoconference training for members of the federal judiciary; produced award-winning educational broadcast television programming; provided one-on-one executive coaching in the technology, finance, energy, and telecommunications sectors; and led interactive learning events on diversity, feedback & coaching, conflict management and many other topics.

Hart received his BA in Russian Language and Literature and his Juris Doctorate from the University of Kentucky. He also completed the Senior Executive Leadership Certificate Program at Georgetown University. Hart is certified in the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, the Emotional Competency Inventory and has consulted using many other organizational assessment tools. He is committed to working with organizations to create inclusive, creative and innovative cultures that empower people to accomplish their desired business goals while living their values.

Connect with Hart:   

Hart Learning Group website: HartLG.com

Twitter: twitter.com/corporatepoet

Poetry: hartofapoet.com

Thriver’s Quest Book: amazon.com/Thrivers-Quest-M-Hart/dp/1618460552

Don’t forget to download your free guide! Discover The 5 Business Benefits of Empathy: http://red-slice.com/business-benefits-empathy

Connect with Maria: 

Get the podcast and book: TheEmpathyEdge.com

Learn more about Maria’s brand strategy work and books: Red-Slice.com

Hire Maria to speak at your next event: Red-Slice.com/Speaker-Maria-Ross

LinkedIn: Maria Ross

Instagram: @redslicemaria

Twitter: @redslice

Facebook: Red Slice

Don Mamone: People First, Then Profit

In today’s episode, I talk to Don Mamone, whose long career in hospitality instilled in him the importance of customer service and relationship marketing. Don and his wife, Emily, run a successful photography studio based on the people first, then profit philosophy. Throughout this episode, we discuss what people first, then profit really means, and practical ways in which you can implement it in your business. We talk about redefining profit and identifying how you measure your wealth. We also talk about the importance and the value of relationship marketing, as you create, build and scale your business, and how you create unforgettable experiences for your customers.

Key Takeaways:

  • People first, then profit, is not correlative, it’s causal. You won’t be successful unless you understand that if you put people first, the profit will come.
  • Sales is the perfect alignment of your brand proposition and your client’s wants and needs.
  • You can differentiate yourself on a playing field by elevating yourself outside of the competition by HOW you do what you do.

“When you create a brand people love, you take someone on an emotional journey and they become fully committed to you  – then loyalty and championing come as second nature.” —  Don Mamone

About Don Mamone:

Relationship Marketer, Speaker, Eduator

Don’s decade-long career in hospitality culminated with his role as the Director of Events for the world-renowned Beverly Hilton. His time in this fast-paced high-profile career instilled in him the importance of customer service and relationship marketing.

Determined to pursue a life-long passion, Don and his wife Emily opened their photography studio 14 years ago guided by and based largely on these principles learned on the front lines of hospitality. Creating an award-winning studio photographing from Dallas to destinations around the world, The Mamones are confident their success is due in no small part to their People First, Then Profit philosophy.  As a relationship marketer, speaker, educator coach, and catalyst, Don is dedicated to helping business owners and entrepreneurs employ his proven tactics to crush their goals faster and with less work.

Connect with Don Mamone:  

Twitter: twitter.com/donmamone

LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/donmamone

Facebook: facebook.com/donmamone

Instagram: instagram.com/donmamone

People First Then Profit Podcast: peoplefirstthenprofit.com

Don’t forget to download your free guide! Discover The 5 Business Benefits of Empathy: http://red-slice.com/business-benefits-empathy

Connect with Maria: 

Get the podcast and book: TheEmpathyEdge.com

Learn more about Maria’s brand strategy work and books: Red-Slice.com

Hire Maria to speak at your next event: Red-Slice.com/Speaker-Maria-Ross

LinkedIn: Maria Ross

Instagram: @redslicemaria

Twitter: @redslice

Facebook: Red Slice