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Amer Kaissi: Humbitious Leadership Equals Success

One of the most common myths about leadership is that arrogant, over-confident people are better leaders. Humbitious shatters that myth. Research has shown that humility, when combined with ambition, can significantly improve your performance and the performance of your teams and organization. Humility is not weakness, lack of self-esteem, or low assertiveness; in fact, it is the exact opposite, since it requires strength, courage, and fierce determination. 

Today, Amer Kaissi defines humility and explains how to balance it with ambition for maximum success. He shares some examples of how he has helped low humility/high ambition leaders improve their success and team dynamics, and as well as high humility/low ambitious leaders gain more confident control. We discuss why humility starts with self-awareness, and then how it works in relationship to others. And Amer gives great examples of hunbitious leaders you can learn from. 

Key Takeaways:

  • There is a connection between humility, resilience, and adaptability. If you are humble, you are able to overcome a challenge and come back stronger. 
  • Listen to understand, don’t just listen to reply. 
  • Prepare yourself and practice having difficult conversations. Don’t avoid, don’t delay, and don’t dread these conversations because they will need to happen. 
  • It requires confidence to be humble and have empathy. It takes confidence and courage to have space for others. 

“We need to bring both high humility and high ambition. That’s the only way we can have high performance in the long run.” —  Amer Kaissi

About Amer Kaissi , Professor and Author of Humbitious:

Amer Kaissi (“Ah-mer Ky-See”) is an-award winning Professor of Healthcare Administration at Trinity University in San Antonio. He teaches Leadership and Public Speaking. 

He is also an executive coach and author. His most recent book is Humbitious: The Power of Low-Ego, High-Drive Leadership. He reads at least 65 books every year. He is an avid soccer fan, he loves to run, cook and listen to 90’s hip hop music very loud in his car. He enjoys a good cappuccino, but his biggest weakness is McDonald’s French fries. He lives with his wife and two teenagers. He was born and raised in Beirut, Lebanon.

Connect with Amer Kaissi:  





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Rhonda Manns: Design Thinking in Healthcare – and Beyond

You think your organization’s challenges are tough? Try healthcare, where lives are on the line! Not only has this industry been stretched to its limit during the pandemic, we have issues of healthcare literacy, inequities across certain populations, and burnout among our most talented practitioners. My guest today offers us energy and profound hope on the future of healthcare and how we can apply design thinking to this industry – and to your own organization – for better outcomes. 

Rhonda Manns is a Nurse innovator who will share her fascinating story about pivoting from an ER nurse to product management. Rhonda explains the difference between human-centered design and design thinking and explains how to use those concepts in any business for better, holistic solutions. We discuss the impact and role that nurses play in solving business problems through empathy.  She shares some interesting healthcare Hackathon stories, and even explains how you can be empathetic and still protect yourself from burnout. If anyone knows about this skill, it’s a nurse! 

Key Takeaways:

  • Design thinking in healthcare allows you to remove the constraints of assumptions and biases and helps you to increase your creativity. 
  •  If you have empathy and real world experience, it doesn’t matter what your background and education is. You can unleash human creativity and innovation within a group of people with just a little bit of guidance, by leveraging their empathy and lived experience.
  • Empathy is showing up with curiosity, an open heart, and the right questions to solve your problems.
  • Innovation is bred out of chaos. 

“Being a part of that hands-on, real life care every day helps nurses to enhance the business. Health care has its own culture, its own language and you need clinicians in those business decisions.” —  Rhonda Manns

About Rhonda Manns, Nurse Innovator:

Recognized as one of LinkedIn’s Leaders in Nursing, Rhonda Manns is a registered nurse, certified case manager, and Nurse innovator who uses design-thinking to help software teams reach the nation’s most vulnerable populations. She is a mentor, a contributing author, and a clinical nurse advisor for a nurse-led healthcare startup in Boston who will be launching her own nurse-led project to solve for nurse exodus this Summer.

Connect with Rhonda Manns:  




Resources Mentioned:

Society of Nurse Scientists, Innovators, Entrepreneurs & Leaders

Heather Hiscox interview: The Surprising Empathy Gap in Social Impact

Jamie Greenwood interview: Why Empathy for Others Starts With Compassion for Yourself

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LinkedIn: Maria Ross

Instagram: @redslicemaria

Twitter: @redslice


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Cash flow, creativity, and compassion are not mutually exclusive™

Danielle Harlan: Killing the Alpha Leader

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you know that leadership has changed. Not just because of our recent pandemic, but because of what research is telling us works, and what employees are demanding from their workplace cultures. But when we say we have to “redefine leadership”, what does that actually mean? It means killing the notion of the command and control “Alpha Leader” and understanding that today’s complex business challenges demand a more collaborative approach driven by empathy. My guest today is leadership expert Danielle Harlan. She shares what this new vision of leadership means to you, how you can increase your empathy and effectiveness, and also what your organization can do to foster a more empathetic and inclusive environment that translates into success.

Key Takeaways:

  • Technology has been a key piece in making things more transparent. It also gives us the ability to ask more interesting questions and better understand what people are wanting from the businesses they buy from. 
  • Apologize when you hurt someone or a group. Acknowledge it and move forward, but apologize, even when it wasn’t the intent to cause harm. 
  • You can increase your empathy by engaging in media – read fiction, watch shows, listen to music – and try to understand those perspectives that differ from your own. 

“Our concept of leadership is really expanding. It’s more relational, more collective, and there’s a strong ethical and justice-oriented component.” – Danielle Harlan

About Danielle Harlan, Founder & CEO, Center for Advancing Leadership and Human Potential:

As the Founder and CEO of the Center for Advancing Leadership and Human Potential, Danielle Harlan, Ph.D., is on a mission to transform leadership for the modern world. Through a combination of consulting, teaching, coaching, and keynote offerings, she empowers individuals, teams, and organizations to develop the competencies necessary for succeeding, thriving, and generating a lasting positive impact in their local and global communities.

As an experienced speaker and facilitator (both in-person and virtual first), Danielle delivers compelling, energetic, and evidence-based presentations and programs—with measurable results. She has been the featured speaker for conferences, summits, and corporate events—and has facilitated workshops, programs, and retreats for commercial, nonprofit, government, health care, and educational organizations around the world.

As a former special education teacher, Danielle’s work is rooted in equity, emotional intelligence, and the science of human motivation—and her bestselling book, The New Alpha: Join the Rising Movement of Influencers and Changemakers Who Are Redefining Leadership, offers a new paradigm for leadership that’s focused on facilitating collective ownership of a shared mission and enabling the structures and systems necessary to bring it to life in an ethical, sustainable, and just way.

Named one of Silicon Valley’s “40 Under 40,” Danielle has been a speaker for TEDx and worked as an instructor at the Stanford Graduate School of Business and U.C. Berkeley Extension’s Corporate and Professional Development Program. In addition, she has been featured in leading publications such as Fast Company, Forbes, Entrepreneur, Inc., and Women’s Health.

Danielle earned her doctorate in political science and M.A. in education from Stanford University, where she was a Javits National Fellow and was awarded the Centennial Teaching Prize for excellence in instruction. Prior to launching the Center for Advancing Leadership and Human Potential, she was the Chief of Operations for the Carnegie Foundation, where she worked to harness the power of networks and quality improvement strategies to solve important educational problems. She is a member of the International Leadership Association and the Association for Practical and Professional Ethics.

Connect with Danielle Harlan:  

Our Coach – Organizational Wellness and Human Thriving Assessment Tool:






Book: The New Alpha

Resources Mentioned:

Our Coach: Organizational Wellness and Human Thriving Assessment Tool

Terri Givens on The Empathy Edge, talking about Radical Empathy

Brent Lowe and Susan Basterfield on The Empathy Edge, talking about No Manager Required

Cathy Kasserly

Marshall Ganz, The Power of Storytelling

The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron

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LinkedIn: Maria Ross

Instagram: @redslicemaria

Twitter: @redslice

Facebook: Red Slice

Cash flow, creativity, and compassion are not mutually exclusive™

Rich Hua: Starting an EQ Revolution at Amazon

So…your leaders and colleagues could all improve their emotional intelligence, or EQ, to better collaborate – and you want to change your company culture for the better – but where the heck do you start? Today, I talk with Rich Hua, Global Head of EPIC Leadership at Amazon. Rich’s personal journey from self-professed non-emotionally intelligent person to where he is today will inspire even those of you who falsely believe you’ll never be good at this stuff! He shares how he intentionally built those muscles through self-reflection, coaching, and learning. We discuss the state of EQ and empathy in the corporate world and what talent is now demanding from leaders. He shares how we created his current role and started this movement at Amazon  – still a work in process but already having a profound impact –  and he will inspire you as he did me, with tips to do the same in your organization. Where is EQ headed in our workplace world? Let’s find out!

Key Takeaways:

  • It takes work, self-reflection, and self-awareness to grow and hone your EQ. As humans we don’t like to be uncomfortable, but it is in that discomfort that we grow. 
  • We all have a sphere of influence. It doesn’t matter if it is our families, our neighbors, our church, or an audience of thousands. We can work on expanding our sphere as we embrace and teach empathy. 
  • Everyone is looking for hope and inspiration. That is human nature. Be the light in whatever sphere you are in. 

“I think of it as inputs and outputs: Diversity, equity, or inclusive behavior are actually outputs. You don’t necessarily teach people that. It’s the result when you teach them empathy.” —  Rich Hua

About Rich Hua, Global Head of EPIC Leadership, Amazon:

Rich Hua is a technology strategist and innovation evangelist, and he currently serves as the Global Head of EPIC Leadership at Amazon. His mission is to train Amazon’s leaders in emotional intelligence and interpersonal dynamics, enabling  them to lead with greater Empathy, Purpose, Inspiration, and Connection (EPIC). Rich has spent decades training and mentoring people in leadership and interpersonal skills—from CEOs to aspiring managers to early career professionals. He launched the Emotional Intelligence and Success initiative at Amazon, and his team has trained over 150,000 Amazonians in emotional and social intelligence. His training is now an integral part of onboarding, sales, and leadership development programs across numerous parts of Amazon globally.

Connect with Rich Hua:




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LinkedIn: Maria Ross

Instagram: @redslicemaria

Twitter: @redslice

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Cash flow, creativity, and compassion are not mutually exclusive™

Ann Latham: The Power of Clarity

You know the meeting: rambling conversations, tangents, and vague instructions. Not only is this frustrating, but it’s downright unempathetic to people! What is this lack of clarity costing you in terms of productivity, engagement – and bottom line budget?  Today my guest, The Queen of Clarity, Ann Latham, shares why we aren’t clear and what it’s costing us. 

Today, Anne talks about how clarity unleashes next steps. We talk about where clarity is and where it is not in your organization, three requirements for creating clarity, and what you can do today to increase clarity in your organization and boost productivity and engagement. I’ll give you a spoiler: Eliminate “treadmill” verbs. Find out what we mean by that and take a listen!

Key Takeaways:

  • Clarity comes not from the answer, but from asking the right questions.
  • Understanding the decisions involved is the first step to clarity in any meeting with anybody. That is what unleashes real progress.
  • The first step is seeing how unclear we are. Once you see it, you cannot unsee it.
  • Creating your agenda with treadmill verbs is a waste of time and will not help your meeting to progress forward.

When you’re clear, everyone can be on the same page, everyone can contribute their maximum and do their best, and everyone knows where things stand.” —  Ann Latham

About Ann Latham, President, Uncommon Clarity

ANN LATHAM, known widely as the Queen of Clarity, is the author of the new release, THE POWER OF CLARITY, in addition to THE CLARITY PAPERS and UNCOMMON MEETINGS.  She is also the founder of US-based consulting firm Uncommon Clarity. Her clients represent over 40 industries and range from organizations such as Boeing, Hitachi, and Medtronic to non-profits such as the Public Broadcasting Service, the United Way, and colleges and universities.

Ann’s advice has appeared in publications such as The New York Times, Bloomberg, and Management Today. She is also an expert blogger for

She speaks frequently to a wide range of audiences and is a guest lecturer for the University of Massachusetts Isenberg School of Management. 

Ann is also the sole recipient of a corporate award that she cherishes to this day: Most Likely To Dispute Recognized Authorities.

Connect with Ann Latham:  

Book: The Power of Clarity: Unleash the True Potential of Workplace Productivity, Confidence, and Empowerment –






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LinkedIn: Maria Ross

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Cash flow, creativity, and compassion are not mutually exclusive™

Donato Tramuto: The Double-Bottom Line of Compassionate Leadership

“We are finding that putting people first and delivering results are not two separate goals.” So says my guest today, Donato Tramuto. Today, we talk about the case for compassionate leadership and how to achieve it. We discussed so much in this very poignant and passionate interview where we each shared some very personal stories and philosophies – Donato talks about how his childhood hearing loss and being bullied sharpened his compassionate character, how he doubled down on purpose and people after experiencing his profound loss on 9/11, and how he has tailored his prestigious career to focus on people and connection first in order to lead to performance and profit. Donato shares the definition of compassionate leadership and how it shows up in action. Why we must update key roles in the organization, such as HR, CEO’s, and why much of this starts with the Board itself. We speak about what Gen Z and Millennials bring to the workplace and a new practice he calls “collbovation”.  This interview will be all the proof you need that the most successful leaders lead with compassion, not ego. SO MANY PROFOUND GEMS you’ll want to write down and keep by your workspace – enjoy!

Key Takeaways:

  • To avoid empathy overload, use Donato’s Three T Concept: Tenderness, Tenacity and Tough Decisions. 
  • It doesn’t matter how much you did or how much you will do, what matters is that you did something. If every person could do a little more good in the world, the world would be a wonderful place. 
  • Compassionate leadership has to be a two-way street. You must be empathetic in the face of disagreeing and in finding common ground even in the face of adversity. 
  • You have to ask the questions that allow you to understand the other person’s pain. 

“You rent your title; you own your dignity.  I’ve never looked at my life by the title that I have but by its purpose, meaning and problems that have to be solved.” —  Donato Tramuto

About Donato Tramuto, CEO, Business Leader, Innovator, and Philanthropist:

Donato Tramuto is a global health activist, former CEO of Tivity Health, and founder of the Tramuto Foundation and Health eVillages. He was the recipient of the prestigious Robert F. Kennedy Ripple of Hope Award in 2014, alongside Hillary Clinton, Robert De Niro, and Tony Bennett, and the 2017 Robert F. Kennedy Embracing His Legacy Award. 

In his new book, The Double Bottom Line: How Compassionate Leaders Captivate Hearts and Deliver Results Tramuto makes the case that compassion is a key leadership principle that:

– Powerfully drives trust, success, and innovation;

– Raises morale, builds stronger teams, and improves overall performance;

– Creates sustainable commitment to an organization’s mission and values.

Tramuto interviewed nearly 40 successful leaders who practice compassionate leadership and reveals the best strategies from their playbooks. He then combined these interviews with his own insights, numerous studies, and original, qualitative research of 1,500 participants to unleash the measurable data and benefits of compassion in the workplace.

Connect with Donato Tramuto


Book: The Double Bottom Line: How Compassionate Leaders Captivate Hearts and Deliver Results (Fast Company Press)

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LinkedIn: Maria Ross

Instagram: @redslicemaria

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Cash flow, creativity, and compassion are not mutually exclusive™

Rob Volpe: Solving the Empathy Crisis One Conversation at a Time

What gets in the way of empathy? Our judgements, ego, and biases. It can even impact our ability to connect with colleagues and our customers. But good news: My guest today, CEO and empathy activist Rob Volpe shares research and stories from his latest book Tell Me More About That: Solving the Empathy Crisis One Conversation at a Time. 

He shares 5 steps to overcome empathy barriers and apply the insights to your brand and customer. We discuss how some marketers unknowingly dislike their customers, and how that gets in the way of effectively attracting them. We discuss the world’s current empathy crisis – and how hopefully Gen Z will light the path for us!  You’ll also hear from Rob’s cat, Domino and we discuss our favorite ice cream flavors to illustrate how a lack of empathy can lead to bad business decisions.

Key Takeaways:

  • You have to get to a place of empathy to understand what is motivating your consumers. 
  • The higher up you get, as a leader, the more insulated you become. You do not always have to have the right answer and you can be wrong. Be willing to ask the questions to build out your empathy skills. 
  • Empathy enables the skills that let us be the people that we want to be.
  • Judgment (that is, being judgmental, casting aspersions, and making assumptions) tends to be the thing that gets in the way of empathy the most.

“There’s more work in the upfront to have empathy and to get to that place of empathy, but once you’re there, it makes everything else a lot easier because you’re going to be more successful.” —  Rob Volpe

About Rob Volpe: CEO & Empathy Activist

Rob Volpe is an astute observer of life and a master storyteller who brings empathy and compassion to the human experience. As CEO of Ignite 360, he leads a team of insights, strategy, and creative professionals serving the world’s leading brands across a range of industries. He is the author of Tell Me More About That: Solving the Empathy Crisis One Conversation at a Time. As a thought leader in the role of empathy in marketing and the workplace, he is a contributor to Entrepreneur’s Leadership Network and frequently speaks on the topic at conferences, corporations, colleges, podcasts and with the media.  He is a graduate of Syracuse University’s S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications and lives in San Francisco with his husband and 3 cats.

Connect with Rob Volpe:  


Book: Tell Me More About That: Solving the Empathy Crisis One Conversation





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LinkedIn: Maria Ross

Instagram: @redslicemaria

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Cash flow, creativity, and compassion are not mutually exclusive™

Ben Easter: Are You a Nonviolent Communicator? (You May Not Be!)

Are you engaging in violent or nonviolent communication? Knowing how to make the shift is vital to being an effective leader – and communicator. Today, I got the chance to speak to Ben Easter, founder of Lucid Shift Coaching. Ben and I unfortunately both share the title of brain injury survivor – and in this episode, he shares how that experience led him to learn all he could about effective communication. We discuss the power of the brain to adapt and learn new skills and strategies – and how that relates to how we communicate with others.  Ben shares what violent and non-violent communication look like and how to spot them in yourself. He gives us a sample role play and practical strategies to shift into non-violent communication, and we discuss how self-reflection, language choice and boundaries play a big role in that shift. This episode will cause you to reflect on how you talk and invite you to find a new way of interacting with your colleagues, employees – and yes, even loved ones.

Key Takeaways:

  • Nonviolent communication is a language of expressing what’s alive in us to other people in such a way that we give them opportunities to contribute to it.
  • Noticing the language we use is the first step to becoming a nonviolent communicator. Need, Have To, Must, Should, and other such word choices are red flags for stepping into violent communication. 
  • Nonviolent communication is a practice. The more you notice and do it, the more you will connect the neural pathways. 

“Defense is the first act of aggression. If we come in with the idea that we’re defending something, things get tense. Rather than defending, I like to think about enrolling people. What are we doing? What do we both care about?”  —  Ben Easter

About Ben Easter, Founder Lucid Shift Coaching:

Benjamin Easter is the Founder and Head Coach at Lucid Shift Coaching where they are on a mission to help badass business owners to break through their limiting beliefs and outthink their challenges so that they can have more freedom and impact.

Connect with Ben Easter





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LinkedIn: Maria Ross

Instagram: @redslicemaria

Twitter: @redslice

Facebook: Red Slice

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Ron Gura: How Technology Helps People Navigate Grief and Loss

Every single human experiences death and loss at some point and yet our systems and organizations are not set up to be empathetic to those needs. When a loved one dies, not only are there a thousand logistical tasks like booking a funeral home, getting life insurance paid out, or canceling credit cards – you have to deal with all of this in the worst possible emotional state. The more employers can support their employees practically and emotionally during these difficult times, the better. 

My guest, Ron Gura, put technology on the case to ease the burden for the bereaved. Today, we talk about the end of life market, the personal story of how this company came to be, how leaders can show up for the bereaved, what people now expect from their workplaces when dealing with major life events, and how the company itself embeds empathy into everything from product design to employee experience. We also talk about why mission-driven companies are poised to win – and how yours can, too.

Key Takeaways:

  • Sympathy is just words and doesn’t mean anything. Empathy has power and potential to radically transform society. 
  • By putting yourself in your employees’ and consumers’ shoes at every step of the way, you don’t need to overthink what it means to have an empathetic culture. 
  • If your company and employees understand what it is that you are trying to do for your clients and, deep down, what it is that they need, the empathy will come and be infused in everything you do. 

If employers want to aim for long-term meaningful relationships with employees, then it’s not just going to be the cocktails and the big events, it’s also going to be that meaningful action that you do when things get rough, when I’m dealing with something that is bigger than me.” —  Ron Gura

About Ron Gura, Co-Founder & CEO, Empathy:

Ron is a tech entrepreneur who has brought his love for developing empowering products to startups and major international corporations alike. He is co-founder and CEO of Empathy – Empathy was created with one mission in mind: to help families deal with loss. With a combination of technology and human support, the Empathy app helps families through all the financial, legal, emotional, and logistical challenges after losing a loved one.

Connect with Empathy and Ron Gura:


Empathy recently released a report looking into the cost of dying in the US, financially, logistically, and emotionally.





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LinkedIn: Maria Ross

Instagram: @redslicemaria

Twitter: @redslice

Facebook: Red Slice

Cash flow, creativity, and compassion are not mutually exclusive™

Maynard Okereke: The Hip Hop M.D. Shares How to Spark Curiosity and Passion

What do you get when you cross hip hop, YouTube, and science education? You get my guest today, Maynard Okereke. Maynard is a science communicator best known as the Hip Hop M.D for making science fun for kids – and getting them involved in S.T.E.M. fields. 

Today Maynard shares his story about how he got from civil engineering to being the Hip Hop MD – and we share the crazy story of how we met more than a decade ago!  He talks about what it’s like to work with young people and teachers to spark curiosity and foster passion – and how those lessons can help your organization better connect with young people and attract them with a more innovative, diverse workplace. He shares how important it is to make topics fun and relatable to both kids and adults  – great advice for all you team leaders and marketers out there. 

We dive into why innovation, especially in tech, requires play and imagination, and how we can break science’s norms and stereotypes to not only encourage young people to pursue STEM fields, but encourage their natural curiosity  – and hopefully spark that in adults as well.

Key Takeaways:

  • If kids can’t see it, they can’t be it. Be who you are authentically and share your knowledge and information. Who knows who you will touch when you do?
  • People need to own the work that they do. They need to understand the purpose, the passion, and the vision in it. 
  • If you aren’t around people with different backgrounds and who look different than you, you will have one perspective and have a harder time connecting with those around you as you are stuck in your own perspective. 
  • Stay curious. You’re never too old to explore something new. Curiosity is the number one trait of empathetic people (and it will bring you inspiration and excitement)!

We know that diversity is where it’s at – in order to bring new innovations to the table, to bring new life. Technology is driven by diversity.” —  Maynard Okereke

About Maynard Okereke: Hip Hop M.D., Science Communicator

Maynard Okereke, better known as the Hip Hop M.D., graduated from the University of Washington with a degree in Civil Engineering.  He is an award winning Science Communicator, having received both the Asteroid Award for “Best Streaming Content” and the People of Change Award for his community outreach efforts.  His passion for science and entertainment, along with his curiosity for new innovation has taken him through an incredible life journey.

Noticing a lack of minority involvement in the S.T.E.M. fields, he created Hip Hop Science with the goal of encouraging minorities and youth to pursue more advanced career paths.  His background in engineering, acting, business, and credible work within the music industry as an artist, make him uniquely qualified to engage on a wide variety of topics from an entertaining perspective.  This is highly reflected in his weekly vlogs and daily social media posts which provide both humorous and informative #SciComm content.

Connect with Maynard Okereke:  






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LinkedIn: Maria Ross

Instagram: @redslicemaria

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